23-04-2012 - admin

Ombre Scarves

Ombre hair, ombre suits, ombre sweaters there’s no denying, the ombre look is hot! I must say I like this trend. Recently I showed you my dégradé sweater, but I also have this whole collection of ombre / dégradé scarves in my closet. I bough them on a trip to the Moroccan desert (Erfoud). They were for sale in all kinds of shades and I picked these five as my favorites. People there wear them to protect their faces from the sun and the sand (and I did so too that day) but now I just wear them with whatever outfit matches.

Simple, but fun. Don’t you think?

Ps. If you’re not visiting the Moroccan desert anytime soon, this might even be an easy DIY-Dip Dye project.

My five colored scarves
Some pics I took in the desert


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